Jan 21, 2011

"Help Us Name Our Frames" Contest Results

Sorry for taking our time to pick the winners.
Thanks to all those who racked their brains even just a little to help us come up with official monikers for our nameless bike frames. It was definitely difficult picking from all the entries. There were some very creative ones. Some disturbing ones (which we liked, but probably give our distributors a reason to drop us).

Prestige, "Pake Prestige" just sounds good to us. (Anthony B)
Rum Runner, an alcoholic beverage and an exciting profession (Jude L)
Chimera, liked it after we learned to pronounce it and found out what it was(Julius G)
Errant, can't pin down why we like it but we do (Amanda W)
Mmkay, who doesn't like a South Park reference, and it rhymes (David S)

The above will be contacted so they can pick their choice of a Pake saddle or cap. We haven't decided which of the names will actually end up on the bikes. These are just the five we like best. We are weighing them along with other names the team here came up with.

Honorable Mentions (sorry no schwag for these, just bragging rights)

Most Funny: Perm Job (Nathan K)

Most Disturbing: Box Cutter ( wonder if Volume thought about this one, then chickened out to just Cutter)(Eric A)

Our favorite Google image for Chimera,
one of our winning names.